

    • バラカ・ハラン・ルヴァンダ在京タンザニア大使との懇談会
    • On November 24, a country study meeting with the Ambassador of the United Republic of Tanzania, organized by the Japan Africa Society, was convened at OTEMACHI-CLUB.

      The followings are the points of the presentation made by H.E. Ambassador Baraka Luvanda.

      1. At the outset, Amb. Luvanda expressed his gratitude to the Japan Africa Society for organizing a country study meeting on Tanzania. First, he made a comprehensive presentation on his country, including recent history, land, population, language, religion, and its political leaders.

      2. About the Foreign Policy, he explained Tanzanian diplomacy after 1964 was strongly influenced by desire for self-determination of African countries. However, in 2001, Tanzania adopted the New Foreign Policy and now is promoting economic diplomacy. This has brought “expanding trade activities, increasing FDI, growth in tourisms sector, etc.”

      3. About the bilateral relations with Japan, he stated that both two countries have maintained good relations since 1961. The New Assistance Country Program (NACP) of Japan has designated “industrial technology, education, good governance and accountability, agriculture and water sectors, as well as high quality infrastructure” as its priority area. In the field of human resource development, Japan has supported Tanzania by “ABE-Initiative”, various JICA Training Programs and others. In addition to that, KAIZEN Project, as well as NINJA (Next Innovation with Japan) Project is being conducted.

      4. About the economy, he stressed that the country is largely dependent on agriculture but the economy has been transforming from a command economy to a market economy.
      According to the World Bank, GDP of the country is estimated to be 84 billion USD with a growth rate of 5.4% (2023). He then made detailed presentation on Agriculture, Mining Sector, Tourism, Energy, Manufacturing, Service Sectors and Blue Economy in Tanzania. As for the Mining, there are numerous mineral resources; besides gold, rare-metals like nickel and lithium, gemstones like Tanzanite, diamond, emerald, and ruby. Emphasizing that there are vast potentials to be utilized for business and investment, he invited Japanese companies to visit Tanzania to explore the possibility.

      5. Finally, he set a question “Why invest and trade with Tanzania” and pointed out the following 6 points.
      (1) Tanzania is a peaceful and politically stable nation
      (2) Attractive invest environment; the Government has successfully undertaken structural economic reforms. Its institutional policy framework, as well as investment laws and regulations which have created an attractive investment environment.
      (3) Tanzania borders; Tanzania is surrounded by 8 countries and a gateway to those countries and areas. Tanzania is a member of EAC and SADC.
      (4) Investment facilitation; the Government has established Tanzania Investment Center, where it takes not more than 3 days to resister a company.
      (5) Improving the investment and business environment (a)Standard Gauge Railway will connect the costal and hinterland economic zone, and beyond to Rwanda, Burundi and DRC. (b)Julius Nyerere Hydro Electric Plant (over 2000MWh) will double the amount of electricity and cut the price by a half. (c) a new airport terminal at the International Airport has opened recently.
      (6) Availability of basic infrastructure services;
      The basic infrastructure services such as water, power,
      roads, rail, air transport and telecommunication are available at varying degrees countrywide.

      11月24日午後、ルヴァンダ在京タンザニア大使(H.E. Baraka LUVANDA)を外務



      日本とは、1961年の外交関係樹立以来、良好な関係が続いている。日本政府の対タンザニア国別援助計画では、協力の優先分野として、産業技術、教育、グッドガバナンス、農業及び水セクター、質の高いインフラなどが挙げられている。人材育成の分野では、日本はABEイニシアティブ、JICA研修プログラムなどによりタンザニアを支援してきている。また、「カイゼン」プロジェクト、あるいはNINJA(New Innovation with Japan)プロジェクトも実施されている。


      5. 最後に「なぜタンザニアに投資すべきか」という問題設定とともに、その理由として次の6点について指摘があった。
      (1) タンザニアは平和を享受しており政治的に安定している。
      (2) 政府の経済構造改革により、投資に関する制度的枠組みや法令などが整備され、魅力的な投資環境が形成されている。
      (3) タンザニアは8か国と国境を接しているが、自身がEAC 及びSADCの加盟国であり、これらの国や地域へのゲートウェイとなっている。
      (4) 投資促進のために「タンザニア投資センター(TIC)」が設立されており、企業登録は3日以内にできる。
      (5) 投資・ビジネス環境が改善されている具体例として次の3点を挙げた。
      (6)   水、電力、道路、鉄道、航空、通信などの基礎的インフラは、地域によるバラツキはあるが、既に整備されている。

      6. 引き続き、出席者との質疑応答が行われた。ニエレレ水力発電所プロジェクトの進捗状況如何(工事は90%完了しているとの回答あり)、日本企業に期待する分野は何か(再生可能エネルギーなどエネルギー分野であるとの回答あり)、EAC、SADC、AUなど地域統合の現状やアフリカ大陸自由貿易圏(AfCFTA)の見通しを問うなど、数多くの質問が寄せられ、予定の時間を超過するほどであった。


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