

    • ウェヤ駐日コートジボワール大使との懇談会
    • Country-Study Meeting with H.E. Mr.Jerome Kloh WEYA
      Ambassador of the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire to Japan

      The Society held its seventh Country-Study meeting on 19th September at the International House in Tokyo, with the presence of H.E. Mr.Jerome Kloh WEYA, Ambassador of the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire to Japan. (Number of attendants; 24 persons.)

      The ambassador started his presentation using the power point, by explaining the overview of his country such as its population, land area, and its two capitals-that while the economic capital is Abidjan, the political capital is Yamoussoukro. He also explained that his nation is a member of both WAEMU (West African Economic and Monetary Union) composed of 8 nations : Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo, which share a common currency, namely CFA franc and also ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States), which has 15 member states.

      On the political outlook, the ambassador explained on its presidency and the two-houses system of its parliamentary structure, the number of delegates of both houses, adding that the next presidential election is to be planned to take place in October next year.

      His presentation on the nation’s economic outlook included the fact that the country puts much importance on the private sector, and in the field of agriculture, it has many products which rank high in the world or in Africa, such as cocoa and cashew nuts (ranking first in the world) and natural rubber and tuna which rank first in the continent The production of coffee, cotton, sugar and cola nuts are also doing very well.

      In the field of industrial sector, food industries, chemical industries and mining are doing well. In the mining sector, significant mineral resources were made known since the 1970’s and there exist high mining potential (nickel, iron, gold, manganese, bauxite, copper, oil and gas, etc). It was also mentioned that within its CEPICI (the Agency which deals with promotion of investment), a special unit, namely “Japan Desk”, has been created to deal with Japan-related cases only.

      In the services and commercial sectors, several commercial banks and insurance companies are operational in the country. Another important fact to be remembered is the fact that the headquarters of the African Development Bank is located in Abidjan.

      On its infrastructure, the ambassador explained as follows;
      – In the field of marine transport, there are two major seaports in the country, namely the ports of Abidjan and San Pedro.
      – National Development Plan 2016-2020, in the fields of infrastructure and transportation, there are some projects such as “Construction of the
      Abidjan-San Pedro Highway”, “Financing, construction and operation of liquid waste treatment plant for ships and effluents from industries in the port area of Abidjan”

      On the nation’s bilateral relationship with Japan, the ambassador explained by showing photos taken at the recent TICAD7, Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo ABE meeting Prime Minister Amadou Gon COULIBALY, and some pictures of Japan-Cote d’Ivoire cooperation and Japanese investments in the country.

      The questions and comments raised by the attendants after the presentation include (1) want to know more about the processing of cocoa, (2) CEPICI has a unit which deals with Japan only, and more information of the role of the unit is sought, (3) how does the ambassador see the recently held TICAD7?
      (4) For the development of the nation’s economy and expansion of export, it is deemed important to develop transport infrastructure, especially the land transport before reaching the seaports. In this regard it should be essential to have skilled local partners (for foreign investors), (5) Japanese have a certain difficulty to operate in the French speaking countries. Does Cote d’Ivoire have any provisions to help solve the problem? (6)Are there any plans to move all the ministries and other government organizations to Yamoussoukro, as is the practice being done in Tanzania (from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma)? and (7) UNIDO (Tokyo Office) intends to promote its operation for the promotion of investment and development of relationship with Cote d’Ivoire. In order to improve its activities with the West African countries, it has recruited a Senegalese officer as the Investment Adviser.


      9月19日午後、国際文化会館において、ジェローム・クロー・ウェヤ駐日コートジボワール大使に同国事情を伺う会を開催しました(会員企業等から出席者24名)。先ずウェヤ大使より、同国の概況(人口、面積、経済上の主要都市はアビジャンであるが、首都はヤムスクロであること、8か国(ベナン、ブルキナファソ、コートジボワール、ギニアビサウ、マリ、ニジェール、セネガル及びトーゴ)から成るWAEMU(West African Economic and Monetary Union)
      及び15か国から成るECOWAS(Economic Community of West African States)の一員でもあること等)と政治状況(大統領制、両院から成る国会と議員数、来年10月に大統領選挙が行われる予定等)及び経済概況(プライベート・セクターが重要な位置を占めること、農業面では生産量世界一のココア、カシューナッツ、アフリカ一の生産量のゴム、まぐろ、アフリカ2位のパーム・オイルの他、コーヒー、綿花、砂糖、コーラ豆他を生産、また工業部門では食品工業、化学工業、鉱業などが代表的であるが、1970年代から発展してきた鉱業分野では、ニッケル、鉄鉱石、金、マンガン、ボーキサイト、銅、石油、天然ガスなどの埋蔵が知られている、CEPICI(投資促進庁)内には、日本に専門的に対応する「ジャパン・デスク」を設置している、サービス・商業分野では、いくつかの銀行、保険会社が営業しており、またアフリカ開銀の本部もコートジボワールに置かれていること、などを紹介)について説明した後、インフラ概況についても、港湾ではアビジャン港とサン・ペドロの2つの大きな港を有すること、国家開発計画(2016-2020)の中の、インフラと運輸・交通面での開発計画(アビジャンとサン・ペドロを結ぶ道路の建設、アビジャン港及び周辺工業地帯の液体廃棄物処理プラント建設)も具体的に紹介されました。その他日本との2国関係については、最近のTICAD7開催時のコートジボワール共和国アマドゥ・ゴン=クリバリ首相と安倍総理の会談時の写真及び、同国における日本のこれまでのODA実施案件や投資案件の地域図や写真も示されました。


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