

    • ムティティ駐日ザンビア大使との懇談会
    • Country-study Meeting with H.E. Ms.Ndiyoi Muliwana Mutiti,
      Ambassador of the Republic of Zambia to Japan

      The Society held its sixth Country-Study meeting on 27th February at the International House in Tokyo, with the presence of H.E. Ms.Ndiyoi Muliwana Mutiti, Ambassador of the Republic of Zambia to Japan. (Number of attendants; 36 persons.)

      The ambassador started her presentation by explaining that Zambia is known for peace and stability, and so far it never had any wars or upheavals. Its political system is multi-party democracy and there are more than30 active political parties. She also briefly introduced its population, climate, country size, languages and religions.

      On political and economic outlook, the ambassador explained that Zambia is centrally located with market access to SADC, COMESA and soon entire Africa. Deregulation and liberalization of the economy has given the private sector freedom of operation. The country enjoyed rapid economic growth over the decade and the economic growth rate in 2018 was 5%.

      Zambia has abundant natural resources and the production of copper is the second largest in Africa. But “Vision 2030”, which aims at becoming a prosperous middle income country by 2030, sets its target to transform and diversify its economy with priority areas of agriculture, manufacturing, infrastructure, tourism and energy. Various sectors for investment were also shown.

      On the bilateral relations between Zambia and Japan, the ambassador mentioned the famous episode that it was during the Tokyo Olympic Games in1964, when Zambia got independence. She also mentioned these two countries enjoy decades of economic cooperation, as are shown by JICA’s cooperation in the agricultural and infrastructural sectors. Kaizen is also being appreciated in the country. The current thrust is to increase Japan’s private sector participation in Zambia’s economy.

      The questions and comments raised by the attendants after the presentation include (1) what are the most crucial points Japanese enterprises wishing to deal with Zambia should learn (the person who asked this question added that he himself lived in Zambia for 9 years and knew very well the nation’s attractive points.),
      (2) how she sees China’s “One Way, One Belt” policy, which seems to be good but at the same time there could be danger of resulting in incurring huge debts on the part of African countries? (3) in case of Japanese companies find difficulties in getting into the Zambian market, what could be the advice to overcome such difficulties? (4) how many Zambia students are studying in Japan?(post-graduate level). And (5) there are a lot of small-scale manufacturing companies in Japan which show much interest in Zambia.
      (6) Out of the sea-ports of Dar es Salaam, Nakara and Durban, what is most important to Zambia? (7) UNIDO has invited Zambians to attend the “Delegates Programme” to be held in Japan and this year it expects to invite Zambians for that programme, with the specific emphasis on the renewable energy.





      その後会員企業等から、(1)ザンビアに入っていこうとしている日本企業が学ぶべき、最も肝要な点は何か(質問者は、ザンビア在住9年の経験を有しおり、個人的には同国を十分理解していると述べました)、(2)中国のい「一帯一路」構想は、優れた点もあるが、同時にアフリカの国の債務を増やす面もあると思料されるところ、どう見るか、(3)同国のマーケット参入を目指す日本企業に、いかなるアドバイスをするか? (4)日本で学ぶザンビア人大学院生はどの位いるのか? (5)ザンビアに関心を有している日本の中小企業は多いと思う、(6)海への出口として、ダルエスサラーム、ナカラ、ダーバンなどの港のうちで、最も重要な港はどこか?(7)UNIDOはザンビアから「デリゲーツ・プログラム」(投資促進担当者の招へいプログラム)で代表を呼び、民間相互の会合を開いているが、今年も再生可能エネルギーなどの分野の会合を開くことを予定しているので協力していきたい、などの質問や意見が出されました。


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