

  • S.K.マイナ駐日ケニア大使との懇談会
  • Country-study Meeting with
    H.E.Mr.S.K.Maina, MBS, Ambassador of Kenya to Japan

    The Society held its first Country-study meeting on 17th January at the International House in Tokyo, with the presence of H.E. Mr.S.K.Maina, Ambassador of the Republic of Kenya to Japan. (Number of attendants; 30 persons.)

    Ambassador Maina first explained the political, executive and legislative systems of Kenya, the Constitution, County system and achievement of MDG goals, followed by introducing a video programme highlighting its achievement of economic development and suitability for investment. Its culture, industry, technology innovation, capital markets, investment from
    foreign countries including Japan, energy and “Blue Economy” were also explained.

    Questions from the attendants included the assessment of the ongoing Vision 2030, possible effect of the outcome of the Presidential election of USA, the present stages of operation of EAC, 2017 elections (whether it will be done without postponing the timetable), systems to encourage use of much developed technology in the area of building houses, use of M-pesa and individual use of banks, roles of administrative chiefs, any advice for the role of Japanese nationals to do business in Kenya, and etc.




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