

  • チャム駐日エチオピア大使との懇談会
  • Country-study Meeting with
    H.E.Mr.Cham Ugala, Ambassador of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to Japan. (Number of attendants; 27 persons.)

    Ambassador Cham explained the general situation of Ehiopia, its government systems, legislature, principles of foreign policy, economy, infrastructure, development plans and its long history and political and economic ties with Japan. He also touched upon the situations of transport sector, energy, industrial parks, etc.
    Questions and comments raised by the attendants include the present situation of matters related to the development strategy of health, security situation, energy (method to decide the electricity tariff), possibility of Ethiopian Airways to contribute to the country’s industrial development (such as export of cut flowers), use of hydro-electric power of the River Nile and its tributaries ( how the interests of up-stream and lower-stream nations are resolved), Ethiopia’s policy on the control of foreign currency (especially issuance of the “Letters of Credit” ). Also asked were the questions on the state of emergency in some parts of the country, the government policy on privatization, meaning and implication of “National Pride and Prestige as the core of the foundation of the Foreign and the National Security Policy.





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