- ロモ駐日南アフリカ大使との懇談会
Country-study Meeting with H.E. Mr.Silence Dlomo,
Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa to JapanThe Society held its fifth Country-study meeting on 26th November at the International House in Tokyo, with the presence of H.E. Mr.Silence Dlomo, Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa to Japan. (Number of attendants; 32 persons.)
The Ambassador started his talk by explaining that this year happened to be the one hundredth year after the birth of his nation’s first president, Mr.Nelson Mandela. He also explained South Africa’s location (facing six SADC countries ), its population, geography, history and the Government . On human rights issues, South Africa has legal frameworks for women and cited that WEF(World Economic Forum)’s “Global Gender Gap Index
2017” placed South Africa as the 24th , while Japan was 114th..On the bilateral relations between South Africa and Japan, there are more than 300 Japanese companies operating in South Africa and such Japanese organizations as JICA, JETRO,JBIC, JOGMEC are in operation there. Japan is the third biggest trade partner of South Africa.
On economy, the Ambassador said that his country is “the Gateway to
Africa”, with rich mineral resources, world class financial systems and diversified industrial sectors. Especially on the investment opportunities, he explained sector by sector. Also on energy and agriculture, he showed the present situation and the future possibilities for investment.Questions raised by the attendants include (1) what are his visions for the coming TICAD 7 to be held next year ( to this question, the Ambassador said that Japan started TICAD process in 1993, and the positive posture showed that Japan, the first nation which was industrialized in Asia, and which has no negative legacy with Africa, committed itself for the development of Africa. He also hoped that together with its private sector, Japan will contribute much for the coming TICAD),
(2) what is envisaged for the Land Appropriation Act and its future impact on agriculture? ( the Ambassador said that after the Boer Wars, the white regime decided that while the black population was to live in the 13% of the country’s total land, the minority white population was to enjoy the rest-
87%- of the total land. This is a negative legacy and to bring change to this is nothing but the priority of the people of South Africa), and
, (3) what are the general situation of Waste Management in the country
( the reply was that it has much to do with the Occupational Health
Standard, and the Ambassador suggested to explain to the member who asked this question later).ロモ駐日南アフリカ大使との懇談会
11月26日午後、国際文化会館において、サイレンス・ロモ駐日南アフリカ大使に同国事情を伺う会を開催しました(会員企業等から出席者32名)。先ずロモ大使より今年が同国のネルソン・マンデラ初代大統領の生誕100周年にあたることを紹介しつつ、同国の地理的概況(6つのSADC諸国に接している)、面積、人口、地理、歴史等について説明しました。人権については、同国は女性の権利に関する法律を有しており、WEF (世界経済フォーラム)の「2017年世界ジェンダー・ギャップ指数」では、南アな24位であるが、日本は114位となっていることが紹介されました。南アフリカと日本の二国関係については、同国に進出している日本の企業は約300社にのぼっており、JICA,JETRO,JBIC,JOGMEC(石油天然ガス・金属鉱物資源機構)なども同国で活動しています。また日本は南アの第3番目の貿易相手国です。