

  • アフリカ:2019年 選挙日程 2019 African election calendar (Updated December 2018)
    • 【月刊アフリカニュースNo.75掲載】
    • 日程については、あくまでも現時点での情報である。

      2019 African election calendar
      Updated December 2018
      Country Election Date
      Algeria President 17 Apr 2019
      Botswana National Assembly & local Oct 2019
      President (by National Assembly) 2019 after Oct elections
      Cameroon National Assembly, Senate & local Oct 2019 (postponed from late 2018)
      Chad National Assembly & local May 2019 (postponed from 30 Nov 2018)
      DRC Local Postponed to Oct from Nov 2016
      Egypt Local by Jul 2019
      Ethiopia Local 2019 (postponed from 2018)
      House of the Federation (indirect) 2019
      Ghana District & Referendum on Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executive elections Sep 2019
      Local & Unit 2019
      Guinea National Assembly 3 Feb 2019
      Guinea-Bissau National People’s Assembly & Senate Postponed to Dec 2018 or Jan 2019 from 18 Nov 2018
      President 2019
      Libya Referendum Feb 2019
      President & Parliament 2019 (after referendum)
      Madagascar National Assembly 2019?
      Provincial, regional & local 2019?
      Malawi President, National Assembly & local 21 May 2019
      Mali National Assembly Apr 2019; Posponed from Nov & Dec 2018
      Mauritania President & Senate (1/3) Mid 2019
      Mozambique President, National Assembly & provincial 15 Oct 2019
      Namibia President & National Assembly Oct 2019
      Niger Local 13 Jan 2019; postponed from 8 Jan 2017
      Nigeria President, House of Representatives & Senate 24 Feb 2019
      Governors & State Assemblies 31 Mar 2019
      Senegal President, regional 24 Feb 2019
      Local 1 Dec 2019
      Somaliland (autonomous region) House of Representatives & Senate No date, postponed from Mar 2019
      South Africa National Assembly & Provincial Legislatures Apr/May 2019
      President by National Assembly 2019 after May elections
      Tunisia House of Representatives, House of Councillors Oct 2019
      President Dec 2019

    • https://www.eisa.org.za/calendar2019.php
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